Learning to work online
Study when and where it suits you
at a pace you’re comfortable with

Our courses are a simulation working on practical problems.
Simulators are as close to life as possible and are built on the principle: first practice, then theory.
You’ll be solving assignments,
and then get a theory tailored to the answers.
and then get a theory tailored to the answers.
+ chat support, where there are already 756 learners and sorting out all the issues

Our courses
It's cheaper all together
at 50% off!
5 courses at a nice price!
Bash course as a gift!
- From 0 to Linux Admin
- From Linux Admin to DevOPS
- Python from zero to PRO from Pyth.club
- VPN and TCP/IP networks
+ Bash scripting as a gift

Ask other students in the chat room
More than 3,000 people are already enrolled in our courses

Educate yourself
with a chatbot
Start learning at any time
Practice first, then learn the theory
Chat with other students in a chat room
Increase your
1.5 to 2 times salary
1.5 to 2 times salary