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Python from Zero to Master. Marathon 100 Projects in 100 Days.

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Course Content

Day 1 – Beginner – Working with Variables in Python for Data Management

  • Beginner – Working with Variables in Python for Data Management

Day 2 – Beginner – Understanding Data Types and Working with Strings

Day 3 – Beginner – Control Flow and Logical Operators

Day 4 – Beginner – Randomization and Lists in Python

Day 5 – Beginner – Loops in Python

Day 6 – Beginner – Functions in Python and Karel

Day 7 – Beginner – The Game “Hangman”

Day 8 – Beginner – Function Parameters and Caesar Cipher

Day 9 – Beginner – Dictionaries, Nesting, and Secret Auction

Day 10 – Beginner – Functions with Output

Day 11 – Beginner – Final Project “Blackjack”

Day 12 – Beginner – Scope and the Game “Guess the Number”

Day 13 – Beginner – Debugging: How to Find and Fix Errors in Code

Day 14 – Beginner – Project “Greater-Less”

Day 15 – Intermediate – Setting Up a Local Development Environment and Coffee Machine

Day 16 – Intermediate – Object-Oriented Programming (OOP)

Day 17 – Intermediate – Project “Quiz” and the Benefits of OOP

Day 18 – Intermediate – Turtle Module and Graphical User Interface (GUI)

Day 19 – Intermediate – Instances, State, and Higher-Order Functions

Day 20 – Intermediate – Creating the Game “Snake” Part 1: Animation and Coordinates

Day 21 – Intermediate – Creating the Game “Snake” Part 2: Inheritance and List Slicing

Day 22 – Intermediate – Creating the Game “Pong”: The Famous Arcade Game

Day 23 – Intermediate – Project “Turtle Crossing”

Day 24 – Intermediate – Files, Directories, and Paths

Day 25 – Intermediate – Working with CSV Data and the Pandas Library

Day 26 – Intermediate – List Comprehensions and the NATO Alphabet

Day 27 – Intermediate – Tkinter, *args, **kwargs, and Creating Programs with GUI

Day 28 – Intermediate – Tkinter, Dynamic Typing, and the Pomodoro App with GUI

Day 29 – Intermediate – Creating a Password Manager with GUI using Tkinter

Day 30 – Intermediate – Errors, Exceptions, and JSON Data: Improving the Password Manager

Day 31 – Intermediate – Final Project: Flashcard App

Day 32 – Upper Intermediate – Sending Emails (smtplib) and Managing Dates (datetime)

Day 33 – Upper Intermediate – APIs and API Parameters: ISS Overhead Notifier

Day 34 – Upper Intermediate – API Practice: Creating a Quiz App with GUI

Day 35 – Advanced – Keys, Authentication and Environment Variables: SMS Sending

Day 36 – Upper Intermediate – Stock Market News Alert Project

Day 37 – Upper Intermediate – Habit Tracking Project: API Requests and Headers

Day 38 – Upper Intermediate – Tracking Workouts Using Google Sheets

Day 39 – Upper Intermediate – Final Project Part 1: Finding Air Tickets

Day 40 – Upper Intermediate – Final Project Part 2: Flight Club

Day 41 – Web Development Basics – Introduction to HTML

Day 42 – Web Development Basics – Intermediate HTML

Day 43 – Web Development Basics – Introduction to CSS

Day 44 – Web Development Basics – Intermediate CSS

Day 45 – Upper Intermediate – Web Scraping with Beautiful Soup

Day 46 – Upper Intermediate – Create a Spotify Playlist Using a Time Machine

Day 47 – Upper Intermediate – Create an Automatic Amazon Price Tracker

Day 48 – Upper Intermediate – Selenium Webdriver: Browser and Bot for Games

Day 49 – Upper Intermediate – Automating Job Applications on LinkedIn

Day 50 – Upper Intermediate – Automatic Tinder Swipe Bot

Day 51 – Upper Intermediate – Twitter Internet Speed ​​Complaint Bot

Day 52 – Above Intermediate – Bot for Instagram Followers

Day 53 – Upper Intermediate – Web Scraping Final Project: Data Entry Automation

Day 54 – Upper Intermediate – Introduction to Web Development with Flask

Day 55 – Upper Intermediate – HTML and URL Parsing in Flask: The More-Less Game

Day 56 – Advanced – Displaying HTML/static files and using website templates

Day 57 – Advanced – Jinja Templates in Flask Applications

Day 58 – Web Development Basics – Bootstrap

Day 59 – Advanced – Final Blog Project Part 2: Adding Styles

Day 60 – Advanced – Sending POST requests with Flask and HTML forms

Day 61 – Advanced – Creating advanced forms with Flask-WTForms

Day 62 – Advanced – Flask, WTForms, Bootstrap and CSV: Coffee and Wi-Fi Project

Day 63 – Advanced – Databases with SQLite and SQLAlchemy

Day 64 – Advanced – My Top 10 Movies Website

Day 65 – Web Design School – How to Create a Website People Will Love

Day 66 – Advanced – Creating your own API with RESTful routing

Day 67 – Advanced – Final Blog Project Part 3: RESTful Routing

Day 68 – Advanced – Authentication with Flask

Day 69 – Advanced – Final Blog Project Part 4: Adding Users

Day 70 – Advanced – Git, Github and Version Control

Day 71 – Advanced – Deploying Your Web Application

Day 72 – Advanced – Data Science with Pandas: College Major vs. Salary

Day 73 – Advanced – Data Visualization with Matplotlib: Programming Languages

Day 74 – Advanced – Data Aggregation and Fusion with Pandas: Analyzing the LEGO Dataset

Day 75 – Advanced – Google Trends Data: Resampling and Visualizing Time Series

Day 76 – Advanced – Beautiful Plotly graphs and Android app store analysis

Day 77 – Advanced – NumPy Computing and Multidimensional Arrays

Day 78 – Advanced – Linear Regression and Data Visualization with Seaborn

Day 79 – Advanced – Nobel Prize Analysis with Plotly, Matplotlib and Seaborn

Day 80 – Advanced – The Tragic Discovery of Hand Washing: t-tests and distributions

Day 81 – Advanced – Final Project: Forecasting House Prices

Day 82 – Professional Portfolio – Project [Python Scripts]

Day 83 – Professional Portfolio – Project [Python Web Development]

Day 84 – Professional Portfolio – Project [Python Scripts]

Day 85 – Professional Portfolio – Project [GUI]

Day 86 – Professional Portfolio – Project [GUI]

Day 87 – Professional Portfolio – Project [Game]

Day 88 – Professional Portfolio – Project [Web Development]

Day 89 – Professional Portfolio – Project [Web Development]

Day 90 – Professional Portfolio – Project [GUI Application for Desktop]

Day 91 – Professional Portfolio – Project [HTTP Requests and API]

Day 92 – Professional Portfolio – Project [Image Processing and Data Science]

Day 93 – Professional Portfolio – Project [Web Scraping]

Day 94 – Professional Portfolio – Project [GUI Automation]

Day 95 – Professional Portfolio – Project [Game]

Day 96 – Professional Portfolio – Project [HTTP Requests and API]

Day 97 – Professional Portfolio – Project [Web Development]

Day 98 – Professional Portfolio – Project [Automation in Python]

Day 99 – Professional Portfolio – [Data Science] Project

Day 100 – Professional Portfolio – [Data Science] Project

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