Complete Course on JavaScript: From 0 to PRO!

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À propos du cours

The Best JavaScript Courses for Beginners and Advanced Developers

Want to master JavaScript and become a sought-after developer? Our JavaScript courses will take you from basics to a professional level! Learn to create real projects, master modern JavaScript concepts, and acquire the skills necessary for a successful career.

Main Topics of JavaScript Courses

In our JavaScript courses, you will gain a complete set of knowledge for working with the language:

  • Basic Foundations: start with variables, functions, objects, arrays, loops, and other basic concepts.
  • Modern Features: study arrow functions, destructuring, spread operator, and optional chaining to work with the current version of JavaScript (learn more about JavaScript on MDN Web Docs).
  • Object-Oriented Programming (OOP): delve into inheritance, encapsulation, and OOP principles.
  • Working with API and Asynchronous Code: master AJAX requests, promises, and async/await for server interaction and efficient data handling.
  • Project Portfolio: create 5 real projects that will showcase your skills and be a great addition to your resume.

JavaScript courses are suitable for both beginners and experienced developers. Also, check out our full web development course, which covers not only JavaScript but also the basics of HTML and CSS.


Why Start Learning JavaScript?

JavaScript is one of the most popular programming languages in web development, and knowing it will open up access to many in-demand job opportunities. Learn to create dynamic web pages and work with modern libraries and frameworks such as React and Vue.

Join our JavaScript courses and gain practical skills that will help you achieve your career goals in IT!

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Qu’allez-vous apprendre ?

  • Become an advanced, confident, and modern JavaScript developer from scratch
  • Create 6 beautiful real-world projects for your portfolio (not boring tutorial apps)
  • Become job-ready by understanding how JavaScript works "behind the scenes"
  • Learn to think and work like a developer: problem-solving, research, workflows
  • JavaScript basics: variables, if/else, operators, Boolean logic, functions, arrays, objects, loops, strings, and more
  • Modern ES6+ from the start: arrow functions, destructuring, spread operator, optional chaining (ES2020), and more
  • Modern OOP: classes, constructors, prototypal inheritance, encapsulation, etc.
  • Complex concepts such as the 'this' keyword, higher-order functions, closures, etc.
  • Asynchronous JavaScript: event loop, promises, async/await, AJAX requests, and APIs
  • How to design your code using flowcharts and common patterns
  • Modern tools for 2022 and beyond: NPM, Parcel, Babel, and ES6 modules
  • Practice your skills with over 50 tasks and exercises (including solutions)
  • Get fast and friendly answers in the Q&A section
  • Learning paths: create your unique learning path according to your goals!

Contenu du cours

Section 10: A Closer Look at Functions

  • Section Intro (1min)
  • Section Roadmap (1min)
  • Default Parameters (9min)
  • How Passing Arguments Works: Value vs. Reference (15min)
  • First-Class and Higher-Order Functions (5min)
  • Functions Accepting Callback Functions (15min)
  • Functions Returning Functions (7min)
  • The call and apply Methods (17min)
  • The bind Method (22min)
  • Immediately Invoked Function Expressions (IIFE) (8min)
  • Closures (20min)
  • More Closure Examples (16min)
  • Section 10: A Closer Look at Functions quiz
  • Section 10: A Closer Look at Functions project

Section 19: Setting Up Git and Deployment

Section 18: Forkify App: Building a Modern Application

Section 17: Modern JavaScript Development: Modules, Tooling, and…

Section 16: Asynchronous JavaScript: Promises, Async/Await, and AJAX

Section 15: Mapty App: OOP, Geolocation, External Libraries, and…

Section 14: Object-Oriented Programming (OOP) With JavaScript

Section 13: Advanced DOM and Events

Section 12: Numbers, Dates, Intl and Timers

Section 11: Working With Arrays

Section 1: Welcome, Welcome, Welcome!

Section 9: Data Structures, Modern Operators and Strings

Section 8: How JavaScript Works Behind the Scenes

Section 7: JavaScript in the Browser: DOM and Events Fundamentals

Section 6: [OPTIONAL] HTML & CSS Crash Course

Section 5: Developer Skills & Editor Setup

Section 4: How to Navigate This Course

Section 3: JavaScript Fundamentals – Part 2

Section 2: JavaScript Fundamentals – Part 1

Notes et avis de l’apprenant

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